You might have clicked on this title thinking that we’re about to outline safety precautions that our helicopter flight crew and pilots take. This blog will talk about safety tips that you, as a passenger, can practice to keep your anxieties at bay while enjoying one of our aerial tours.
Imagine flying over the gorgeous Red Rocks in Denver or the beautiful blue expanse of beaches in Florida, and a panic attack kicks in. You’ll be sweating, shivering, and fighting for breath because something triggered your anxiety. That’s not how you want your trip to end.
These safety tips are a good way to prepare your mind for what’s to come. If you have a respiratory condition or other factors that make you apprehensive about the trip, try these tips.
Keep an Inhaler
Flying at dizzying heights can make some people feel sick or hard to breathe. It might be because there’s an oxygen debt in your body or because hysteria is kicking in. This condition can compromise your wellbeing and make your trip distressing. If this happens to you often (in unusual situations or new scenarios), you need to anticipate it beforehand. Keep an inhaler on hand while you’re flying. Take a few pumps if you’re struggling to breathe. The placebo effect often works like a charm in such situations and puts your mind at ease, knowing that you’re fully equipped.
Keep Distractions
Our helicopters fly over the beautiful spread that Denver looks like from above, and the sites are a distraction in itself. But when your mind is wrought with fears and anxieties, you might find it hard to focus on the view. It’s smart to keep distractions and keep yourself busy during the trip so that you don’t think hard and long about the triggers.
Plug-in your earphones, turn up the music, have a friend to talk to, or carry your camera along on a door-off trip to busy yourself with photography. The less you think about your fears and dangers, the better.
Keep Citrusy Snacks
Nausea is the worst thing you’d have to deal with on an aerial tour over Denver. It’s not every day that you get to fly 10,000 feet above the ground! You don’t want to miss out on the golden moments while gagging and puking in a bag.
It’s best to consult your physician before boarding the helicopter and keeping an OTC pill on you for worst cases. Chewing on citrusy snacks also helps fight back nausea. Or, if nothing works, keep your head still against a supporting surface and close your eyes. The lesser your head moves, the better you’ll feel.
Knowing these tips in advance can make your trip tremendously better! They’re not gleaned out of a medical journal, but such advice comes in handy when you’re freaking out and don’t know what to do.
Note them down before you sign up or our aerial tours in Denver, Colorado.
Our helicopter rides in Denver are one of the major attractions for tourists. Being at 10,000 feet above the ground and 10,000 feet away from the world is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Try our helicopter tours if you want to experience something new, exciting, and rejuvenating! Call us when you’re ready to take off.